Saturday, October 27, 2007

Organized mess

If you are yet another lazy bugger, then I'm sure you would have felt badly about being disorganized, at least once in life. These days there is so much data floating around us, it can be quite tedious to cull the essentials from the heap. Yet order needs to be restored sooner or later before chaos starts to rule your world. People don't like chaos because it can be quite frustrating, highly inefficient etc. I totally agree with it.

If efficiency is what we target as a result of being organized, being organized by itself consumes some overhead, which in effect brings down the efficiency. The question arises as to how organized we need to be. Generally speaking, I visualize a curve as shown below (click on the image to enlarge it)

X axis shows the time it takes to reach a level of organization(Y axis)

If you really want to maximize your efficiency, you should be targeting somewhere around the knee of the curve. Thats what I call an organized mess. After all there might be little to no benefit in trying to be a perfectionist.

1 comment:

Joebi said...

definitely makes sense :).. IMHO sometimes being gud enuf is as good as being great